5th International Art Symposium in Competa! Art & creation...

be moved by the energy, light & inspiration!

From the 12nd till the 19th of October a special group of artists will visit the charming mountain village Competa. Its a big honour that they travel from far away to get inspired in Spain! Lieuwke Loth, who also runs the art Gallery Luz de la Vida, organises this art symposium for the 5th time. Each time again its a great event, which brings a lot of joy and new connections. Lieuwke does the curation and always looks for professionality, authenticity and creativity in the artists works. Artists from all over the world gather to exchange information, techniques and ideas related to their professions. The symposium is a public event using local spaces, in Cómpeta where locals, art-lovers and visitors can meet the artists and experience how they create their art with spontaneity, originality and creativity. This event broadens horizons and help improve understanding of other cultures, countries and art. 

This year we'll host: Abgar Khachatryan from Armenia, Manish Sharma from India, Tanja Eigendaal from Denmark, Lee Youngji from Korea, Natalya Zaloznaya from Belarus, Yu Jin from China, Wieland Schoeffner from Germany, Ronald Kleijer from Netherlands but living in Uzbekistan, Lidia Simeonova who lives in the USA but originally comes from Bulgaria, Krassimir Kolev, Sergey Komyagin and Elena Shumacher from Russia who will come all the way by car!

A young Czech couple comes especially over to help Lieuwke with all arrangements and organisation. So all with all we’ve an International group! We’ll post regularly pictures and films on our fb page: www.facebook.com/symposiumluz.

As special guests we’ll welcome ‘Bonsainara’ as well. The Bonsai Master Nacho Salar, who lives in Torrox and has his Bonsai garden and workshop there, comes to the village to explain and show us the art of shaping Bonsai trees! Thursday 17th - Saturday 19th of October

If you’re interested to hear more about this art, he will give a lecture on Thursday at 17:00PM. 

The programme for the week:

On Saturday the 12th of October, at 12 PM, the artists will introduce themselves in the Gallery Luz de la Vida, they will do a short presentation about their art and you’re welcome to meet them.

Monday the 14th till Thursday the 17th of October from 11AM - 14:00 and from 16:00 till 18:00PM and Friday the 18th only till 2pm you can visit the artists who will be at work. They use the space of the council: Salon de Actos in Competa and the Gallery Luz de la Vida. 

On Saturday the 19th of October, the art will be shown in Gallery Luz de la Vida in Competa. The inauguration and celebration takes place at 12PM and most artists will be present, we’ll have some live music as well. The art is for sale and the exhibition will be on show till the end of November. This all is organised and arranged by Lieuwke Loth.

Save the dates and meet all the artists! We’re looking forward to see you in Competa!


Instagram: galeria luz de la vida

Galeria Luz de la Vida, Calle Laberinto 15 (Bajo) Competa (opposite the El Pilon)

Salon de Actos 1 & 2, Calle Rampa, just below the Ayuntamiento 


Tanja Eigendaal: www.tanjae.dk

Elena Shumacher: www.facebook.com/elena.shumacher

Sergey Komyagin: www.facebook.com/sergey.komyagin.7/media_set?set=a.357579884362340&type=3&_rdc=1&_rdr

Lidia Simeonova: www.saatchiart.com/account/profile/300907

Natalya Zaloznaya: www.zaloznaya.com

Manish Sharma: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=645796933

Yu Jin: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100037193504336

Lee Youngji: www.leeyoungji.com

Abgar Khachatryan: www.facebook.com/abgarkhach

Wieland Schoeffner: www.schoeffner-kunst.de

Ronald Kleijer: www.ronaldkleijer.com

Lieuwke Loth: www.lieuwkeloth.com / www.facebook.com/LieuwkeLothArt

Bonsainara Bonsai Art: www.bonsainara.com

Krassimir Kolev: www.kolev.se